For some reason, my personal account seems to be linked to the blog's disqus account. I just had a "whale" of a time (see what I did there) to try to sort out this confusion - and I've come to the conclusion that it's gonna be impossible.
I think what happened was that I was logged into the blog disqus admin interface when I logged into my google account, and now it seems my google account is forever linked to whaleventures disqus account.
Also, a comment from Dawid was logged as spam:
I cannot see any reason why in the world that comment should be marked as spam.
So the point is, if any of you moderate using the whaleventures account, be sure to use an incognito window or even another browser or something. And, disqus just lost some major points in my eyes. Also, the fact that Wiehann had to find a work-around for notifications didn't make it start off on a lot of points either. Lets give it another week or so, but perhaps its prudent to start thinking of ways to migrate to another commenting system?
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